Setting up a library suggestion box can be a great way to engage your library's users and gather feedback to enhance their experience. A suggestion box is a significant part of a larger feedback strategy.
Combine it with surveys, focus groups, and direct interactions to gather a comprehensive understanding of your library users' needs and preferences.
This strategy would be invaluable to the improvement of your collection development and library service. Users are your best resource when it comes to constructive criticism of the service you provide, whether you are serving students or a larger community.
Five Suggestion Box Tips
How can a librarian (you) create an effective suggestion box strategy? Consider the following:
1. Prominent Placement
1. Prominent Placement
Place the suggestion box in a high-traffic area of the library where users can easily see and access it. Examples of these areas are: near the entrance, circulation desk, or a popular reading spot.
2. Eye-Catching Design
2. Eye-Catching Design
Make the suggestion box visually appealing and noticeable. Use bright colors, clear signage, and perhaps even a catchy slogan to draw attention. This is particularly important in school libraries serving young children. Use arrows to indicate its location.
3. Simple Submission Process
3. Simple Submission Process
Who wants to have to go through hoops just to leave feedback? No user would send feedback if the process is too difficult. Ensure that submitting suggestions is easy and quick. Provide suggestion cards, forms, or digital options (such as QR codes) that users can complete without hassle.
4. Diverse Submission Methods
4. Diverse Submission Methods
Ever heard of a digital suggestion box? It can be more convenient for your users than a physical one. Offer multiple ways for users to submit suggestions. In addition to physical suggestion boxes, consider using digital platforms like the library's website or social media for online submissions.
5. Anonymity
5. Anonymity
Users should have the option of sending feedback anonymously. Provide the choice for users to submit suggestions anonymously. Indicate somewhere around the suggestion box or on the feedback slip itself that leaving their name or contact details is optional.
Some individuals may feel more comfortable sharing their ideas without revealing their identity. Also, this will ensure that even library staff can send their own feedback without fearing repercussions. Not every feedback that comes in is positive or is presented in a light-hearted manner. Some comments are downright nasty, so you as the librarian needs to be prepared.