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The Conundrum of First Impressions: Why I Chose Poetry Over Professionalism for My Debut Book

My "evilwoobie" book is out! Here's the amazon link:

The initial book an author releases holds immense significance, as it establishes the trajectory for their upcoming projects. This understanding is derived from my experience as a librarian and as a passionate reader. 

Given this knowledge, I deliberated for an extensive period of time, spanning multiple years, contemplating whether to publish a book pertaining to my professional passion, librarianship, or a book centered around my creative passions. Ultimately, I opted for the latter choice, as you are aware. In the subsequent paragraphs, I will outline several reasons that influenced my decision.

The Power of Emotional Resonance

One of the most compelling reasons for choosing to debut with a collection of love poems is the universal appeal and emotional resonance that poetry can offer. 

While librarianship is a subject close to my heart and undoubtedly valuable, it speaks to a more specialized audience. Poetry, on the other hand, has the power to transcend boundaries and touch the hearts of a diverse readership. It allows for a more immediate and visceral connection, something that a technical or academic book might not readily provide.

The Creative Liberation

Writing about librarianship, while intellectually fulfilling, comes with its own set of constraints. There are standards to meet, research to conduct, and a professional tone to maintain. Poetry offered me a canvas where I could paint freely with my words, unburdened by the rigidity that often accompanies academic writing. This creative liberation was not just refreshing but also invigorating, fueling my passion for writing even further.

The Versatility of the Authorial Voice

Choosing to write a book of love poems first allowed me to showcase a different facet of my authorial voice. It provided an opportunity to demonstrate versatility, proving that I am not confined to the academic or professional sphere. This strategic decision also opens doors for future projects that can span multiple genres, thereby broadening my reach as an author.

The Intimacy of Self-Expression

There is an unparalleled intimacy in expressing one's emotions and experiences through poetry. This form of writing enabled me to share a part of myself that is often veiled in professional settings. 

The vulnerability that comes with such self-expression can be empowering, not just for me as a writer but also for readers who find solace and inspiration in the words.

The Strategic Perspective

From a strategic standpoint, releasing a book of love poems serves as a calculated risk that has the potential for high rewards. 

Poetry books often find their way into various literary circles, book clubs, and even academic curricula, offering a wide range of opportunities for exposure. This can serve as a stepping stone for more specialized works in the future, including those related to librarianship.

The Personal Fulfillment

Last but not least, the decision was also influenced by a sense of personal fulfillment. Writing has always been a form of catharsis for me, and poetry, in particular, offers a unique avenue for emotional and creative release. 

The joy derived from crafting each verse, each metaphor, and each poetic expression is a reward in itself, irrespective of commercial success or professional validation.

Conclusion: Grafetul for the Privilege to Write

The decision to publish a book of love poems as my debut work was not made lightly. It was the result of years of contemplation, weighing the pros and cons, and aligning with both my creative aspirations and strategic goals. 

While I remain deeply committed to my profession and look forward to contributing to the field of librarianship in the future, this initial foray into the world of published authorship through poetry has been a fulfilling journey. It has allowed me to connect with a broader audience, explore my creative boundaries, and most importantly, stay true to myself as a writer.

In the grand fabric of a writer's life, the first book is but a single thread—important, but not defining. It sets the stage, but it doesn't dictate the entire narrative. As I look forward to weaving more threads into this tapestry, I am grateful for the freedom to explore, the courage to choose, and the privilege to write.


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