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Who is Ruby



Ruby Grace C. Galvez, RL, LPT

Who am I? I wear many hats.

Ruby Galvez in the philippine international literary festival

  • Professional Librarian
  • Information Service Provider
  • Copywriter
  • Copyeditor
  • Technical Writer
  • Licensed Educator
  • Caterer / Restaurant Owner
  • Book Author

My Experience

I have  worked in the science publishing industry for most of my career thus far, except for the time when I joined the online blogging boom (in the late 2000s).   

I have been involved in various aspects of the following:

  • content creation and processing
  • publishing systems
  • database content editing and production
  • webmaster operations
  • virtual assistance
  • search engine optimization
  • fiction and non-fiction writing
  • thesis grammar check
  • journal article copyediting (pre-publication peer review papers)

I am among the topnotchers in the Professional Regulation Commission’s Librarian Licensure Examination in 2017.

Examinations I Have Taken and Passed

  1. Licensure Examination for Teachers
  2. Librarian Licensure Examination (3rd nationwide rank)
  3. Civil Service Examination
  4. Foreign Service Officer Examination (3/5 stages passed: 1st stage, qualifying examination; 2nd stage, panel interview; and 3rd stage, written examination)

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