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La Union Tourist Spots with Funny Names: Immuki, Bimmuto, Immubet

There's a place in Balaoan La Union where tourists flock to glide through winding lagoons and go to Immuki Island. This is not just another picturesque destination in La Union; it carries a name and lore that piques curiosity and invites a deeper exploration of its unique charm.

Funny Island and Lagoon Names and Their Evolution

The origin of its name is very cool. The name "Immuki" originates from the Ilocano word "uki," which refers to the female genitalia. This association comes from the island's main lagoon, which, to many, resembles this part of the anatomy. The shape of this lagoon has been the subject of fascination and amusement, earning the island its distinctive name.

Immuki literally means "it assumed the shape of a vagina."

The playful and imaginative minds of the island’s admirers didn't stop with the main lagoon. Over time, and through generations of word-of-mouth storytelling, the other lagoons on the island also received names inspired by human anatomy:

Bimmuto: This lagoon is named after the male genitalia, adding to the island's cheeky nomenclature. The word "bimmuto" literally means "became the shape of a penis" or "protruded like a penis."

Immubet: This lagoon, shaped like the cheeks of the human anus, completes the trio of uniquely named lagoons. It literally means "assumed the shape of the buttocks"

The Island’s Allure

While the names may initially draw giggles and raise eyebrows, they contribute to the island’s charm and the allure of its natural formations. Visitors are not just drawn by the whimsical names but by the stunning scenery and the serene ambiance of Immuki Island.

A Visit to Remember

When visiting Immuki Island, you’ll find:

Crystal Clear Waters: Perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and exploring the vibrant marine life.

Scenic Views: The lagoons offer breathtaking views and a sense of tranquility.

A Unique Story: The history and the playful naming conventions of the lagoons add an element of intrigue and fun to your visit.

Immuki Island, with its playful and provocative names, offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural quirkiness. It shows how human imagination and natural formations can come together to create a destination that is as thought-provoking as it is beautiful. So, whether you’re drawn by the names or the scenery, Immuki Island promises an unforgettable experience.

How to Get There 

Tourist trap San Juan, a.k.a. Surf Town, will have tricycles lined up to bring you to Immuki and charging you 500 pesos her head. That's highway robbery, but some tourists don't mind paying for such a highlight of their trip.

Is there a cheaper way? Yes.

If coming from San Juan, ride a north-bound jeep or bus going to Bacnotan or Balaoan. Stop at the Jollibee (Bacnotan, there is only one) or at the pink Roman Catholic church by the highway (Balaoan). From there, take a tricycle (around 100-200 in fare, not the thousands that San Juan tricycle drivers ask) or ask around if there is a jeep going to immuki island.  

Another cheaper way to get there is to take a jeepney from the Tanqui Terminal in the San Fernando town proper bound for Balaoan, Luna, or Bacnotan. The same as the previous for Balaoan and Bacnotan. For the Luna way, disembark at the Antonio Luna statue and find a tricycle. Again, the fare shouldn't be in the thousands.  

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