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E-scooter Commute Tracker and Maintenance Logbook for Publishing on KDP

One of the best places to self-publish and earn royalties is Amazon KDP! But what if you're not a writer? I've found that book designing is as good as being an author if you're after selling a book or workbooks for profit. Here's one of the books I made that can be sold on KDP (done-for-you by me): E-scooter Commute Tracker and Maintenance Logbook

It's available at my store on Creative Fabrica. If this link does  not work, copy and paste the following to your browser:

Why an Electric Scooter Commute Tracker and Maintenance Logbook would Sell Well on KDP

In today's eco-conscious world, electric scooters have become a popular choice for daily commutes. As more people adopt this efficient and green mode of transportation, the need for a reliable way to maintain and monitor their scooters has grown. 

         1.     Comprehensive Tracking    

This logbook offers a thorough system to track daily commutes, ensuring users can keep detailed records of their travel habits. With sections for date, odometer readings, start and end times, route descriptions, and distance traveled, it provides a complete overview of daily usage.

         2.     Battery Monitoring    

One of the key concerns for electric scooter users is battery life. This logbook includes dedicated fields for recording battery levels at the start and end of each journey. This feature helps users monitor battery consumption over time, allowing for better planning and efficient energy use.

         3.     Scheduled Maintenance    

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and safety of electric scooters. The logbook includes sections for noting maintenance performed and scheduling future services. By keeping maintenance tasks organized, users can prevent potential issues and ensure their scooter remains in optimal condition.

         4.     Issue Reporting    

No more forgetting about that annoying squeak or wobbly wheel. The logbook allows users to document any issues noted during their commutes. This feature ensures that problems are addressed promptly, preventing minor inconveniences from becoming major headaches.

         5.     User-Friendly Design    

The logbook is designed with simplicity and practicality in mind. Its user-friendly layout makes it easy for anyone to use, whether they are new to electric scooters or seasoned riders. Clear sections and prompts guide users through the process of logging their commutes and maintenance activities.

         6.     Eco-Friendly Focus    

As electric scooters are an eco-friendly mode of transportation, this logbook aligns perfectly with the values of its users. It encourages responsible use and maintenance, promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.

         7.     Growing Market Demand    

With the rising popularity of electric scooters, the market for related accessories and tools is expanding. This logbook addresses a specific need within this growing community, making it a valuable addition to the market. Its practicality and relevance ensure that it will attract a wide range of users looking for a reliable way to manage their scooters.

         The Electric Scooter Commute Tracker and Maintenance Logbook is a practical, user-friendly, and essential tool for every electric scooter user. Its comprehensive tracking, battery monitoring, maintenance scheduling, and issue reporting features make it a standout product worth selling on KDP. As the market for electric scooters continues to grow, this logbook offers a timely and valuable solution for users who want to keep their scooters in top condition and enjoy a hassle-free commute every day.

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