So, just because you write a lot doesn't mean it's all good. I mean, I've been writing for ages and still think there's loads to improve on. But, hey, I've been around the block a few times, and some newbie writers ask me for advice. My go-to answer? Write. A lot. Like, try writing a hundred pieces before getting all critical about it. The idea of putting stuff out there scares most newbies. So, just getting over that is a big deal. But if you're writing often, what should you even write about? Your Passion Matters Another challenge is we love learning new things when it comes to non-fiction. But no one likes a writer who has no clue what they're talking about. So, when writing, it is also important to talk about things you could talk about for hours, days, and months on end. Think about your fave writing style. Hate those annoying rhetorical questions? Don't use 'em. Love a good story intro? Go for it. Prefer short and snappy sentences? Or do you ...
An Ilokana Librarian Who Writes