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A Career as an Abstractor for Library and Information Science Graduates

 Before I became a librarian, a teacher, and a caterer, I was an abstractor. I had a  degree in the natural sciences and found abstracting fascinating. After nine years as an abstractor, I studied library and information science and made information service my career. 

Becoming an abstractor is a compelling career path for those equipped with a degree in Library and Information Science (LIS). An abstractor specializes in summarizing legal documents, articles, and other comprehensive materials into concise abstracts, making complex information more accessible and understandable. This profession not only leverages the critical skills acquired through an LIS degree but also offers a unique blend of challenges and rewards that can satisfy the intellectual curiosity and professional aspirations of many graduates. Here’s why a career as an abstractor is a great choice for LIS degree holders.

1. Utilizes Core Competencies

A degree in LIS provides a strong foundation in information retrieval, organization, and management. Abstractors rely on these core skills to efficiently navigate vast amounts of information, identify key points, and condense them into digestible summaries. This role allows LIS graduates to apply their knowledge in a practical, impactful way, bridging the gap between complex information and the end user.

2. Diverse Opportunities

The need for abstractors spans a wide range of industries, including legal services, healthcare, academic research, and more. This diversity opens up numerous avenues for LIS graduates to explore and find their niche. Whether you are interested in legal documents, scientific research papers, or literary works, there is likely a demand for abstractors with your specific interests and expertise.

3. Remote and Flexible Working Conditions

As with many information-focused roles, abstractors often enjoy the flexibility of working remotely. This can provide an excellent work-life balance and the ability to design a lifestyle that best suits individual preferences and needs. For those who value flexibility and autonomy in their career, the abstractor role is an attractive option.

4. Continuous Learning and Development

The nature of an abstractor’s job requires constant engagement with new and diverse topics, encouraging lifelong learning and intellectual growth. For LIS graduates who love to learn and stay updated with the latest developments in various fields, this role offers an exciting, ever-changing environment. The requirement to stay abreast of terminology, trends, and technologies in your area of specialization ensures that your job remains challenging and engaging.

5. Contribution to Knowledge Accessibility

Perhaps one of the most fulfilling aspects of being an abstractor is the contribution to making information more accessible and understandable for a broader audience. By distilling complex documents into essential insights, abstractors play a crucial role in supporting education, research, and decision-making processes. For those motivated by making a positive impact in the world of information, the role of an abstractor is particularly rewarding.

6. Competitive Salaries and Job Security

As the demand for skilled information professionals continues to grow, abstractors can expect competitive salaries and strong job security. Organizations across various sectors recognize the value of efficient information management and are willing to invest in talented individuals who can help them navigate the information overload prevalent in today’s digital age.

For graduates of Library and Information Science, pursuing a career as an abstractor offers a unique opportunity to apply their skills in a dynamic and fulfilling role. With the promise of diverse opportunities, flexible working conditions, continuous learning, and a significant impact on information accessibility, it’s clear why this career direction is not just a good choice but a great one. If you’re passionate about information, eager to learn, and ready to contribute to knowledge dissemination, the path of an abstractor might just be the perfect fit for you.

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