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How to Do Research in Studying and Revision

Why conduct your own research? I have often complained that many students now are spoon-fed, which means the information is available to them, collated and organized, and presented in the most accessible way possible. Then, I realize that I am a librarian, and I myself am responsible for collating, organizing, and making information accessible to users. 

Does this mean I am spoonfeeding my users? No, I encourage research, but not haphazard research like a simple Google search of one keyword and end up opening just Wikipedia. I promote extensive research, and devoting time on it, even  if it's just for one topic. 

 Is conducting research worth it in this day and age?

Collecting Expert Opinion

Research is the basic facet of studying and revision. When I conduct a research, I look through many sources to find out what others have written about a particular topic. By devoting several hours into research, I am enriching my knowledge, updating my memory, and forcing my mind to think. 

Moreover, I am collecting other experts' opinion regarding my topic. In a way, I am asking others "what do you think of this?" and finding many different answers.

Where can I find answers?

  • Google Scholar
  • Google Books
  • Physical books
  • Abstract repositories and Databases
  • Bibliography of the abovementioned sources
  • Primary information sources (interviews)
  • etc.

Forming my Own Opinion

Joining the conversation regarding one topic is one of the many benefits of conducting your research. Besides enriching knowledge, knowing more about your subject matter through the information you obtained from others will keep you abreast of the current trends and arguments around it. If you can seek other people's arguments, you can formulate your own. With your insight, you can become your own resource on your topic.

Satisfying Curiosity

Research is also the only way to satisfy a curiosity, even if it isn't clear how to start. Right now, it all starts with an internet search, but it shouldn't stop there. I would move on to books, videos, and even music. Studying is open-ended, which means there is rarely an end-point if I am really dwelling on the topic. 

However, one should always have an end-game in mind when it comes to extensive research. If not, you'll end up geting bored, or even deviating from your main focus. 

Delimiting Your Topic

Have a question in mind and map out the Who's, Whats, Wheres, Whens, Whys, and Hows of the question. For many, that's enough. Adding more would warrant a separate research, which could mean starting over and re-reading your references to address a new question or a fresh perspective.


The most frustrating thing about research is getting a glut of fake information or un-explained and unsupported data on the topic. This just means that there is more work to be done. Finding relevant sources means background checking authors and checking the publishers. Credible publishers would have a team of editors working on corrections , as upblishing erratums later would be very expensive.

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